Inspiration from Past & Present

November 26, 2010

Hope in Allah’s Mercy

My sins, were I but to ponder them, are copious.

But greater yet is my Lord’s Forgiveness:

In my righteous deeds lies not my expectation,

But in the Mercy of Allah have I anticipation.

(Read on pg 36, Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, The Journey to Allah. Daar us-Sunnah Publishers. Birmingham: 2007.)

November 26, 2010

Proximity of Death

Astounding it is that the eye can take delight in sleep when the Angel of Death is standing by one’s pillow!

—ibn al-Sammak

(Abu Nu’aym, vol. 8, p. 223 #11949.)

(Read on pg 35, Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, The Journey to Allah. Daar us-Sunnah Publishers. Birmingham: 2007.)

November 26, 2010

Gratitude Due Upon Good Deeds

Wahb ibn al-Ward, when asked about the reward of a particular deed, said,

“Ask not about its reward, but ask about the gratitude due upon the one who was guided to it.”

(Abu Nu’aym, vol. 8, p. 155.)

(Read on pg 34, Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, The Journey to Allah. Daar us-Sunnah Publishers. Birmingham: 2007.)

November 26, 2010

The Hereafter and This World

The Hereafter consists either of Allah’s Forgiveness or the Fire; and this world is either a source of Allah’s Protection or a source of destruction.


(Read on pg 19, Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali, The Journey to Allah. Daar us-Sunnah Publishers. Birmingham: 2007.)