Signs to Prepare for Death

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Signs to Prepare for Death

The Angel of Death came to Prophet Dawud (as), who asked, “Who are you?”

He said, “I am he who fears not kings, nor can be stopped by castles, nor will accept bribes.”

Dawud (as) said, “You are the Angel of Death.”

He said, “Yes.”

Dawud (as) said, “You came before I prepared for you?”

He said, “O Dawud! Where is so-and-so, your relative, and so-and-so, your neighbor?”

Dawud (as) said, “They died.”

The Angel of Death said, “Has not their death given you a lesson to prepare?”

At-Tathkirah, p.48

(Read on pg 50, Abdul-Malik bin Muhammad ibn Abdul Rahman Al-Qasim, Silent Moments: The Description of Before & After Death Aspects. Darussalam Publishers. Riyadh:2004.)

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