Inspiration from Past & Present

August 8, 2010

Standing in Prayer At Night

When we lost the standing in prayer at night, our hearts became hard.  Our tears dried up and our faith became weak.

(Read on pg 34, Aa’id Abdullah al Qarni, Thirty Lessons For Those Who Fast. Message of Islam. UK:1999.)

August 8, 2010

Wealth is Like Water

Wealth is like water; if its flow is obstructed it becomes brackish, and if it flows it becomes sweet and fresh.

(Read on pg 29, Aa’id Abdullah al Qarni, Thirty Lessons For Those Who Fast. Message of Islam. UK:1999.)

August 6, 2010

Character with People

If you want salvation and to be saved from the torture of Allah, then look at and consider the old-aged Muslims as your own father, and the middle-aged one as your brother, and the youngest of them as your son.  Thus, you should revere well your own father, be generous to your own brother, and be tender and compassionate to your own son.

—Mohammad bin Ka’ab to ‘Umar b. ‘Abd al-‘Azīz

(Read on pg 16, Al-Hafiz Jamaludeen Abi Al-Faraj and Abd Ar-Rahman bin Al-Jawzi and Al-Qurashi and Al-Baghdadi, The Biography and virtues of Omar bin Abd Al-Aziz: The Ascetic Caliph. Dar Al-Kotob Al-ilmiyah. Beirut:2001.)

August 6, 2010

On The Value of Thinking

إذا المرءُ كانت له فكرة

ففي كل شيء له عبرة

When a person possesses deep thought,

Then by everything is a lesson taught.

—Proverb [from Imām al-Ghazālī’s Iḥyā ‘Ulūm al-Dīn]