Inspiration from Past & Present

November 26, 2012

A Self-Effacing Example of Humility

Whenever a quality of one of the righteous people was mentioned in the presence of Makhlad b. al-Husan, he would say:

“Do not make any mention of us while you speak about them; for a healthy person who walks is not like a crippled.”

Abu Nu’aym, Al-Hilyah 8/266

(Read on pg 13, Salaahud-Deen ibn ‘Alee ibn ‘Abdul-Mawjood, Imam Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab (Biography). Darussalam Publishers. Riyadh:2006.)

November 26, 2012

Going Against the Sunnah

Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab saw someone performing more than two rak’ahs in Fajr prayer and making a lot of bowing and prostration, so he stopped him.  The man retorted, “Abu Muhammad, is Allah going to punish me for performing prayer?!”

Sa’eed simply said, “No, but He is going to punish you for going against the Sunnah.”

Sunan al-Bayhaqee al-Kubraa 2/466

(Read on pg 86-87, Salaahud-Deen ibn ‘Alee ibn ‘Abdul-Mawjood, Imam Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab (Biography). Darussalam Publishers. Riyadh:2006.)

November 26, 2012

Best Honor is Obedience, Worst Humiliation is Disobedience

The servants never honor themselves with anything better than acts of obedience to Allah, and they never humiliate themselves with anything worse than disobeying Allah.  It is enough victory for a believer to see his enemy disobeying Allah.

—Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab

Sifah As-Safwah 2/81

(Read on pg 188, Salaahud-Deen ibn ‘Alee ibn ‘Abdul-Mawjood, Imam Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab (Biography). Darussalam Publishers. Riyadh:2006.)

November 19, 2012

Lamenting Over Wealth, Yet Heedless of Time

If a dirham slips off the hand of one of them, you will find him lamenting for the whole day, ‘My dirham is gone.’  But when he wastes hours of his life he will never say, ‘O my life is gone!’  But there were people who preserved their time and used it in righteous deeds.

—Abu Bakr b. ‘Ayyash

(Read on pg 198, Salaahud-Deen ibn ‘Alee ibn ‘Abdul-Mawjood, Imam Sa’eed bin Al-Musayyab (Biography). Darussalam Publishers. Riyadh:2006.)