Time Management

September 14, 2011

No Time for Sleep

Sleep oh sleep, you used to tread me so beautifully
Use you with impunity, 4 years it was just you and me
Now I got these deadlines, chasing after headlines
Making up for dead time, Standing in this bread line
Cant see you like I used to, miss the way we used to
Daily vows we would renew, every time we’d rendezvous
Now we’re always fighting, cuz im always writing
I know that you’re inviting, but life is too exciting

—Ammar Alshukry

September 13, 2011

Your Share in the Hereafter

O Son of Adam, you need your share from this life, but more so, you need your share in the Hereafter. If you take care of your share in this life first, you will lose your share in the Hereafter and will soon lose your share in this life as well. If you take care of your share in the Hereafter first, you will also win your share in this life and enjoy it perfectly.

—one of the salaf

Fada’il-udh-Dhikr, by Imam Ibn al-Jauziyyah

(Read on pg 54, Abdul-Malik bin Muhammad ibn Abdul Rahman Al-Qasim, Life is a Fading Shadow. Darussalam Publishers. Riyadh:1999.)

June 21, 2011

Priorities: Hereafter & Dunya

Those who were before you would leave for this life what remained with them after taking care of their Hereafter. You, on the other hand, leave for your Hereafter what remains after taking care of your life.

—‘Auf b. ‘Abdullah

Sifatus-Safwah, vol. 3, p. 101 & Tadkiratul-Huffas, vol. 1, p. 299

(Read on pg 32, Abdul-Malik bin Muhammad ibn Abdul Rahman Al-Qasim, Life is a Fading Shadow. Darussalam Publishers. Riyadh:1999.)

June 21, 2011

Time is an Investment, Use it Well

 إن الأوقات والساعات كرأس المال للتاجر فينبغي أن يتجر فيما يربح فيه وكلما كان رأس ماله كثيراً كان الربح أكثر، فمن انتفع من عمره بأن حسن عمله فقد فاز وأفلح، ومن أضاع رأس ماله لم يربح وخسر خسراناً مبيناً

Time is like capital in the hands of an investor, which he invests for the purpose of profit. The greater the amount being invested, the greater the returns. So whoever takes advantage of doing good deeds in his life has achieved success, while whoever wastes his investment will not see any profit but incur great loss.

—Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭībī [d 743H], Sharḥ al-Ṭībī ‘alā Mishkāt al-Maṣābīḥ